About us
We are an Argentine start-up dedicated to adding value to raw glycerin from the exploitation of conventional biodiesel originating from soybean oil. Since glycerin is the most important byproduct produced by the biodiesel industry, a constant and efficient supply to the refined glycerin industry is ensured. Our industrial complex is strategically located adjacent to the Bio Nogoyá plant. We produce 20,000 tons of standard USP pharma refined glycerin per year to supply the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries in different parts of the world. Adding value at origin, in commitment to the environment, and social responsibility are our primary values.

Glycopharma S.A. produces and markets USP grade pure liquid glycerin (also called food grade) for the supply of the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries with a glycerol concentration of 99.7%. Our USP glycerin comes from the Biodiesel industry of plant origin, therefore it is a green and renewable product. USP glycerin is used in more than 1,500 products, the most important applications are in the food industry. Cosmetics and personal care are next in importance. The Management of GLYCOPHARMA S.A assumes the commitment to maintain the satisfaction of its clients and other interested parties, with the provision of products with high quality standards within the framework of the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of an Integrated Management System (Quality and Environment) applied to the production of Refined Glycerin, operating in an environmentally responsible manner. This is carried out through: Compliance with applicable legal and other requirements. Compliance with established objectives. The systematic control of the processes involved. The management of operations under the Integrated Management System in the context of continuous improvement. Protecting the environment and preventing pollution, thus achieving improvement in environmental performance. (*)The Integrated Management System Policy is communicated within the organization and to clients and other interested parties, and is periodically reviewed by Management to ensure its continued adaptation to internal and contextual changes. Last revision date : 24/08/23Glicerina
Integrated Management System Policy (Quality and environment)